about me

The short story

I’m a multi-skilled IT professional with a good all-round supervisory and technical
expertise. Extensive, 20+ years of professional experience in software development allowed me to investigate computer science and software engineering inside out. During these years I built up a solid base of design patterns, software architectures and programming languages such as C/C++, Golang, Java, Python, SQL, Assembly (and many others). I worked on mission-critical and multi-channel applications, applying distributed computing, messaging, image/data processing and computer graphics techniques. I faced both architecture design and systems rearchitecting, microservices introduction and technology migration as well as company wide adoption of new technologies/methodologies multiple times.
As an entrepreneur I have built and grown teams and development organizations from the ground up (internal/out sourced/at customer site) focusing on software engineering
methodologies as well as recruiting, budget/financial control and operations support.
I am particularly interested in software testing methodologies, software quality metrics
and tools to make software development faster and better.

Currently leading the Italian development team for ScientiaMobile Inc, a Reston (US) based startup focused on image optimizing CDN and mobile detection technologies and services. Born in Dearborn Michigan and living in Italy since many years now I speak fluently both English and Italian, studied French and learned some Russian while working for some time for a Olivetti/Aeroflot project.

The long story

I always wanted to be an astronomer but one day (I was 15) I found the Darthmouth Basic manuals in my fathers library and asked him what they were.. I was so fascinated by computer programming that I changed school to go to a technical (electronics/computer science) high school and I would go to all computer exhibitions just to be able to try out the code I was writing at home on some real computer of any kind. Then the zx spectrum came and at school they bought 6502 development boards. At university I had a chance to know unix and started working both as students tutor in the University lab as well as at the company that was providing unix computers to the university (ST Microelecttronics, 1983). At ST I was lucky to work on one of the first ports of Unix sys III from AT&T on ST custom hardware (Z8000 based) servers.
Working and finishing university was the goal but a huge project opportunity came in 1990 when Olivetti/Sixtel got a contract to design the new Aeroflot civil aviation messaging network of the soviet union. I jumped on that train and learned how to work in a large sw engineering team in a project that was ranging from x25/cidin packet network message switching to operator/administrator GUIs (X/motif based).

In 1996, with a friend we decided to open up a company and first acting as an ISP (at that time ISP were the big thing) then as a software consulting company we started working in the new area of internet applications. For Tin.it (Telecom italia) we developed an Instant Messenger service (C6 Messenger) that became the flagship product of telecom italia consumer community, reaching nielsen #1 rank in the community/chat segment. We also developed products in the CRM/Call center business ranging from trouble ticketing solutions to advertising campaign managers. When it was clear that Mobile and Apps where the next big thing I created an internal app factory business unit and we developed many projects in that area for major players in italy (Telecom Italiam, Iveco, Dolce & Gabbana among others). I left the company in 2013 and started a period of freelance consulting that brought me in contact with my actual job.

You can reach me at this address : paul dot borile at gmail dot com

And yes, I still code :