Microservices basic tools/technology quick guide (will always be work in progress)
- os : alpine, atomic (redhat), ubuntu, coreos (fedora)
- rpc : grpc, quic, http/http2, wangle, apache thrift, tchannel, finagle
- containerization : docker, rkt,
- orchestration : kubernetes/tectonic, docker swarm, apache mesos
- load balacing and cdn : envoy proxy, traefik, haproxy, nginx, seesaw, kemp, zevenet,
- api gateway : kong, tyk , netflix zuul, krakend
- monitoring : prometheus, sysdig, sensu, zabbix, nagios
- registration , configuration, service discovery (client side, server side) : consul, zookeeper, netflix eureka,
- metrics : statsd/telegraph(TICK), influxdb/chronograph, Jaeger tracing (opentelemetry)
- dashboards : geospock , chronograph
- alerts : Kapacitor, splunk
- logging, stream processing : beats/logstash (ingest data from any log), elasticsearch (search, analyze, and store your data), Kibana ( visualize your data. Navigate the elastic stack), kafka (stream, publish, subscribe processing)
- tracing : Jaeger (opentelemetry)
- documentation formats : OpenAPI (formally called Swagger), RAML, and API Blueprint.
- documentation tools : stoplight.io, swagger(openapi3), prism, openapi3 codegenerator,apiary, aglio (blueprint html renderer), blue prints tools